Published: 22 June 2017       
By INU Staff

INU - What was the purpose of the Iranian regime to launch missiles to Syrian town “Deirazor?
Why does regime, which claims to be engaged with ISIS on the ground in Syria, has fired missiles from the distance inside Iran? What is the purpose of the regime of this missile attack?
Kanaani Moghaddam, a regime expert, in a conversation with the regime's news network on June 19, 2017, said: “Mr. Trump sought to sanction Iran for ballistic missile. A Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Congress, under the name of S-722, in which sanctions were approved against Islamic Republic for various excuses”.

The regime's expert added: "One of those excuses is Iran's missile power issue, which threatens the security of the region ... The IRGC's discussion, which should be subject to sanctions and be regarded as terrorist groups, and the discussion of human rights ... The interpretation of Mr. Trump himself is that, the Iranians deceived us on the discussion of JCPOA, and we would not accept its conditions”.
Kanaani Moghaddam then, goes on stating: “In the second plan that they had, they created the Arab Nato as a consensus to hire some 34,000 mercenaries with Saudi Arabian money for a military alliance to confront ISIS. Islamic Republic of Iran is accused of having been involved in these issues, in both plans. First, the Revolutionary Guards are leading the attack on the ISIL command center in Deirazor….”
Saeed Rabiee, a regime intelligence agent on the same issue in the regime’s television on June 19, 2017, said: "18 years ago, after the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) action to eliminate Lt. Ali Sayyad Shirazi, IRGC took a retaliatory action, firing one thousand missiles and long range artillery targeted the MEK headquarters deep into Iraqi soil, from the Ashraf’s garrison to Al-Amara. An action that, according to some considerations, was not publicized to media outlets for years to come. It was a strategic and lesson-oriented approach; in a variety of ways, the genius of that epic, which was silent for 18 years, has a similarity and solidarity with a missile strike against ISIL. That both operations were carried out "in the form of a plane", "in depth of the territory of a third country ….”
The state affiliated newspaper Arman, in his editorial titled "Iran's Missile Action and Three Strategic Objectives," on June 20, 2017, wrote: "For the first time, Iran has launched its operational capability, after 80 missiles were fired at the headquarters of the MEK in the Ashraf’s Garrison. The attack on MEK base was a border threat, but this operation was due to a regional threat and proved Iran as a regional power”.
Hossein Shariatmadari, the editor-in-chief of the state affiliated Keyhan newspaper on June 20, 2017, acknowledged the factional goals of the regime's missiles launching, including wrote: "America is undoubtedly the main audience of the missile attacks on Sunday night of IRGC, which over the past few years, and especially during the eleventh administration, it was also plagued with many conspiracies, and catastrophic mischievous actions that followed. JCPOA were just one of those many. The United States may have been in the illusion, that there are a partly some individuals within the system that have a number of responsibilities, and can be taken advantage of with the application of threat”.
Shariatmadari in continuation has written: The IRGC's powerful move proved to the United States, that the US is not faced in the regime with some individuals, that according to the Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, "are prepared to work with the United States to change the Islamic system" ... IRGC For America, European allies and in the region clearly contain the message that if the region is insecure for the economic and commercial activity for Iran, there is no rational and rational justification that is safe for the signed enemies of Islamic Iran, such as Westerners, Arabs and Hebrews. It is evident that the cost of this insecurity must be imposed on the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.
Shariatmadari also said on June 19, 2017 to IRGC news agency: "The firing of IRGC missiles was code breaker for the US friendly domestic individuals”.
Nasser Noubary, the last regime's ambassador to the former Soviet Union, in an interview with the government's “Today’s Homeland” newspaper on June 20, 2017, referring to another aspect of the launched missile for Khamenei's faction, said: "This message, especially after the Iranian election, which was in a kind of disunity and disorientation showed the unity of decision-making had diffused the signs of disunity to our enemies”.
This Khamenei’s faction person, despite making lots of noise and smoke in the regime's media against the region, in the case of the arrest of a regime’s person by Saudi Arabia, elaborated: "we must avoid hasty reactions with anger. Meanwhile, if the investigations showed it as intentional, necessary reactions, and our punitive action should not be the same as their actions, but should be an initiative aimed at preventing any repetition of it”.


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