
Showing posts from June, 2017

European Parliament Condemns Human Rights Violation in Iran

27 June 2017 Iran Focus London, 27 Jun - In a statement, dated Monday June 26, 265 members across all political parties in the European Parliament have come together to condemn the egregious human rights violations in Iran. The statement  read : “When the issue of human rights violations , repression of women and minorities and the Iranian regime’s support of terrorism are concerned, we are all united.” The signatories, including 4 vice-presidents and 23 chairs of various commissions and delegations, have called for an inquiry into the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran, who were mainly members of the Iranian Resistance group, the MEK.

European MPs and VIPs to attend grand gathering in Paris calling for regime change in #Iran

June 26, 2017 Several hundred European parliamentarians and dignitaries from two dozen countries will attend the #FreeIran grand gathering in Paris on July 1. The event is also expected to attract tens of thousands of Iranian expatriates and their supporters. The participants will condemn the ongoing human rights violations in Iran, as well as Tehran’s meddlesome role in the conflict-torn region. Considering the recent events in Europe and elsewhere, the Iranian government’s role in training foreign fighters for terrorist attacks abroad, as well as its drive to acquire nuclear weapons will certainly be denounced.

Widening Rifts in Iran Regime

22 June 2017 Iran Focus London, 22 Jun - There are further reports of a widening rift between the opposing factions in the Iranian Regime, which could spell the mullahs’ downfall. The Guardian  reports that Supreme Leader Alii Khamenei has become increasingly critical of President Hassan Rouhani, probably in response to Rouhani’s criticism of him on the campaign trail, with Khamenei even going so far as to humiliate him during a meeting of top officials. However, just to be clear, the two men and their respective factions are not separated by policy or ideals as most political opponents are. They are merely trying to retain and increase their grasp on power.


 Published: 22 June 2017        By INU Staff INU -  What was the purpose of the Iranian regime to launch missiles to Syrian town “Deirazor? Why does regime, which claims to be engaged with ISIS on the ground in Syria , has fired missiles from the distance inside Iran? What is the purpose of the regime of this missile attack? Kanaani Moghaddam, a regime expert, in a conversation with the regime's news network on June 19, 2017, said: “Mr. Trump sought to sanction Iran for ballistic missile. A Comprehensive Plan was approved by the Congress, under the name of S-722, in which sanctions were approved against Islamic Republic for various excuses”.

«آتش به‌اختیار» ضروری اما خطرناک!

                                                                           سخن روز                عبارت « آتش به‌اختیار » که  علی خامنه‌ای  در سخنرانی 17خرداد خود  خطاب به ‌نیروهایش در دانشگاهها گفت، دعوا و بگومگوی شدید و دامنه‌داری را بین ایادی و نیروها و رسانه‌های هر دو باند رژیم برانگیخته است؛ از جمله هر باند تعبیر و تفسیر خود را از حرفهای خلیفه ارتجاع مطرح می‌کند. خامنه‌ای خطاب به ‌این نیروها گفت: «شما افسران جوان جنگ نرم هستید آن‌جایی که احساس می‌کنید دستگاه مرکزی اختلالی دارد و نمی‌تواند درست مدیریّت کند، آنجا آتش به ‌اختیارید؛ یعنی باید خودتان تصمیم بگیرید، فکر کنید، پیدا کنید، حرکت کنید، اقدام کنید». از این سخن، به‌وضوح برمی‌آید که هدف عبارت «آتش به‌اختیار» خامنه‌ای، دولت روحانی است و هدف او خنثی کردن شکستش در نمایش انتخابا...

اخبار - ايران - سياسى تاريخ: AM 9:30:17 1396/3/27 واکنش مقامات رژیم در تنگنای تحریمهای جدید

واکنش مقامات رژیم در تنگنای تحریمهای جدید تصویب تحریمهای جدید علیه  سپاه پاسداران  ، ارگان اصلی جنایت و غارت در رژیم ولایت فقیه، تشتت درونی نظام و جنگ گرگها را تشدید کرده است. یک مهره باند خامنه‌ای و پاسداران با حمله به رئیس‌جمهور ارتجاع گفت این پایان کار برجام است... دولت  حسن روحانی   چگونه  برخورد خواهد کرد؟. تحریمها باز می‌گردد فقط به یک دلیل که آمریکا فهمیده کسی در ایران هست که نه تنها به تحریم جدید پاسخ نمی‌دهد بلکه با صدای بلند می‌گوید ما را تحریم کنید چرا که ما برای 'برجام های بعدی' آماده‌ایم.