
Showing posts from September, 2017

The new Persian empire Why American troops must not serve as Iran’s expeditionary force

ANALYSIS/OPINION: By  Clifford D. May September 19, 2017 Eleven years ago,  Henry Kissinger  famously said that  Iran ’s rulers must “decide whether they are representing a cause or a nation.” If the latter, Iran ian and American interests would be “compatible.” As for the former: “If Tehran insists on combining the Persian imperial tradition with contemporary Islamic fervor, then a collision with America is unavoidable.” Since then,  Iran ’s rulers have left no room for doubt. They’ve been aggressively spreading their Islamic Revolution and constructing what can only be called a new Persian Empire. That will surprise no one who has seriously studied the ideology of  Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini , founder of the Islamic Republic. What might: Their project has received significant support from the United States.

The Nuclear Deal Is Iran’s Legal Path to the Bomb Iran sees it. It’s time the U.S. did too.

BY:RAY  takeyh september 22,2017 resident  Donald Trump  has sensibly insisted that the  Iran nuclear deal —formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—has to be revised. The reaction in some quarters, mainly among many of the former  Obama administration  officials who negotiated this bad deal, has been horror. Unfortunately, the media have uncritically swallowed many of the false assumptions and naive arguments of the deal’s supporters, and the elite consensus is that the agreement must be preserved lest the White House bumble us into a crisis—or worse, another war in the  Middle East.

Human Rights Are The Key To Confronting Iran

     09/18/2017    BY: KEN BLACKWELL Commendably, the  Trump administration  is set to initiate a  new Iran policy , which will be announced in October. Such change is imperative. The flawed nuclear agreement in 2015 , provided too many concessions, including tens of billions of dollars to the Iranian regime , following decades of deceit and lying in pursuit of the nuclear bomb.

ANALYSIS: Comprehending Trump’s new Iran policy

By Heshmat Alavi 18 September 2017 There is a new understanding in Washington over how US President  Donald Trump , set to deliver his first United Nations General Assembly speech tomorrow, can tackle the Iran challenge. It would be wrong to view the conglomerate of  Iran -created crises through a single periscope focusing exclusively on the  nuclear  dilemma. Iran’s meddling in states across the Middle East, its support for terrorists groups including the likes of the Lebanese Hezbollah, the continuous pursuit of ballistic missiles and domestic  human rights violations  are also serious concerns.

House votes to block aircraft sales to Iran

BY  CRISTINA MARCOS 09/13/2017 The House adopted measures on Wednesday to prevent  sales of commercial  aircraft to  Iran , despite warnings from some Democrats that it would undermine the international accord to curtail the country’s nuclear weapons program.

Sanctioning the Terrible Twosome

BY HESHMAT ALAVI SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 Deep military and nuclear cooperation between North Korea and  Iran  makes sanctions on both regimes all the more essential he world currently faces two atomic crises in  Iran and North Korea , despite long strides in the effort of nuclear non-proliferation. Deep military and nuclear  cooperation  between the two states makes dealing with these challenges even more difficult. One may have thought lessons would have been learnt from the devastating lessons of  appeasement  from World War II – yet the approaches adopted vis-à-vis North Korea and  Iran  in signing nuclear agreements have raised accusations that Neville Chamberlain’s  famous policy  is still alive and well.

Iran is bulldozing the mass grave from the mullahs' 1988 massacre .

September 9, 2017 By  Hassan Mahmoudi Since its foundation, by Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, the regime of  Iran  has succeeded in maintaining its absolute power through the massive use of torture and executions of its citizens. They are now trying to cover up their crimes.

New Light On Iran's Human Rights Violations

SEP 4, 2017 BY: Heshmat Alavi Two of the major crises the international community is currently engaged with are terrorism and nuclear proliferation. Iran , in particular, is negatively involved in both fields, being known as the central banker of international terrorism, and suspicious for its own controversial  nuclear program  at home parallel to its  nuclear/missile  collaboration with  North Korea .

Iran: Plight Of Political Prisoners Signals Regime Turmoil

By: Heshmat Alavi  AUG 29, 2017 Iran  is currently striving to manage a number of increasingly painstaking dilemmas. International spotlight is again on Tehran ’s  nuclear program , with the  United States  demanding United Nations inspectors be granted access to its military sites.    Raja'i Shahr (Gohardasht) prison in Karaj, 20 kilometers west of Tehran